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Home | Contact Us | About Us | Join CELP | Ralph W. Johnson
Center for
Environmental Law & Policy
Elwha River - Olympic Peninsula.
Lower dam slated for removal (above) and lower Elwha River (below). Russ Busch’s work over 30 years has been integral to the decisions to remove dams on the Elwha River.
(Tom Ring photos)
Icicle River - near Leavenworth, Washington.
Dam with headgates (above) diverting Icicle River water to a federal fish hatchery. One of the former dam sites (below). Harriet Bullitt removed the dam as part of her life-long fight to restore the River.
(John Osborn photos)
(Matt Runkel photo)
Celebrate Water!
Russ Busch - Harriet Bullitt
2010-2011 Prof. Ralph W. Johnson Water Heroes
a gala event held on January 28, 2011 at the
Maritime Event Center, Seattle Waterfront
CELP is dedicated to protecting and restoring rivers and drinking-water aquifers throughout Washington State and the larger Columbia River watershed.