Ethics and the
Columbia River Treaty
Righting Historic Wrongs
John Marsh, JD
Policy Analyst
Cowlitz Indian Tribe

John earned a B.S. in Fisheries Sciences from Oregon State University, and a J.D. and Certificate in Environmental and Natural Resources Law from Northwestern School of Law Lewis and Clark College. He has been a member of the Oregon State Bar for over 35 years.
John has worked for and with virtually every tribe and agency in the Pacific Northwest, as well as a multitude of stakeholders, on all aspects of technical and policy topics related to human impacts to the environment. He is an expert on the Endangered Species Act (ESA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Northwest Power and Conservation Council's Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program, watershed management and ecology, process development and implementation, project and meeting facilitation, and natural resources policy and issue resolution.
Over the last 20 years John has managed the development of numerous fish and wildlife subbasin plans, acted as senior technical advisor on the Lower Columbia River Subbasin Plan development, managed the development of salmonid recovery plans, managed development of programmatic and other NEPA documents, managed and developed innovative approaches to ESA compliance for very large federal and state projects, managed the development of Habitat Conservation Plans for ESA compliance, developed hatchery master plans, and initiated/managed the regional artificial production review mandated by Congress.
He has worked on projects addressing virtually all fish and wildlife species and all regions of the Pacific Northwest including British Columbia.
Among other things, over the last decade John was Principle of his own consulting firm, Marsh Consulting LLC, and represented the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes on technical and policy aspects of the Columbia River Treaty modernization.
He is currently employed as a Policy Analyst in the Natural Resources Department of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and focuses on addressing tribal sovereignty issues including those related to the Columbia River Treaty.