Ethics and the
Columbia River Treaty
Righting Historic Wrongs
Taylor Aalvik
Director, Natural Resources Department
Cowlitz Indian Tribe

Taylor graduated from Eastern Washington University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. He went on to take graduate studies in Environmental Science & Regional Planning at Washington State University – Vancouver, WA Branch before being promoted to Director of the NRD.
Taylor also serves on a variety of Boards and Committees. He has served on Washington State’s regional entity of the Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board since 2007, which is connected to the State’s Salmon Recovery Funding Board. He has had direct participation on the Sovereign Review Team in connection to the review and regional recommendation associated with the Columbia River Treaty between the U.S. and Canada. He serves as the Chair of the Pinchot Partners, which is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that deals with the health of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest – Cowlitz Valley ranger district and surrounding areas, and the economic well-being of the local communities. He served as Chair of the Tribe’s non-gaming Economic Development Committee which is capacity building for future diversification of economic development. He also is on the Cultural Board for the Tribe, which promotes cultural awareness and events towards cultural continuity. He serves on the Executive Board for the Affiliated Tribes of NW Indians (ATNI) as well as Co-Chair for ATNI’s Natural Resources Committee. As a long time ATNI attendant, this part of his work is most valuable as it promotes positive collaboration and working together with tribes on important matters in Indian Country.
He demonstrates impeccable commitment, perseverance, and dedication to serve the Tribe and the greater community as much as he can. He is a proven leader that carries a multitude of skills that helps to forge a positive outlook for the future of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and Indian Country.