As West Central, Peaceful Valley, Browne’s Addition, and our other neighbors contemplate the Kendall Yards proposal, you might think about the following questions, gleaned from the City’s municipal ordinance governing PUDs (planned unit developments).

Goals & Objectives of PUDs

General Goals of PUDs:

PUDs are allowed if the resulting design will more closely fit the site and the project and meet more fully the comprehensive plan goals than would otherwise be possible. The result should be a more desirable development in the general public interest

General Objectives of PUDs:

•Will the PUD result in a more efficient, aesthetic and desirable use of the land?

•Will it be in harmony with and not adversely affecting the surrounding area(s)?

•Will it remain within desired population density ranges and land area coverage standards?

•Will it be consistent with the available land, transportation, utilities, public health and safety standards of the City?

•Will it be consistent with the goals and policies of the comprehensive plan?

•Will it best utilize and protect the special features of the site, such as size, shape, geography, topography, or some environmentally sensitive feature?

•Will it best preserve historical and cultural features?

•Will it make possible a variety of living, working and/or recreational environments?

•Will it maximize opportunities to conserve energy or utilize alternative energy sources?

•Will it encourage economy and efficiency in utilities and transportation routes and in the provision of quality housing at a reasonable price?

Changing the Zoning.

Note:  For the west end of the project (Maple Bridge west to Summit), Kendall Yards proposes changing the land use from a zoning of “Residential Multi-Family” to “Mixed Use.”  Kendall Yards also proposes changing the height limit from 35 feet to a height that would accommodate 12-story towers (150 feet?) and commercial uses.

Mixed land use PUD's are subject to the following tests:

•Does it further the objectives of the zone?

•It is in compliance with the comprehensive plan?

•Will it cause undue detriment to surrounding land uses?

•Is the development superior to or more innovative than conventional development?

Height, Density & Lot Size

The City may increase building coverage and height requirements but only if the answer is yes:

•Does the PUD integrate with surrounding land uses and minimize any negative impacts to surrounding lands?

Bonus Density

Kendall Yards seeks to increase the density from 21.8 dwelling units per acre to 28.3 (30% increase, the maximum the city allows).  Bonus densities are intended to encourage additional amenities or preserve valuable natural or cultural features.

•Does the project preserve open space and natural, historical and cultural features? 

•Does the project make available public services and facilities? 

•Does the project use energy efficiently? 

•Does the project use environmental design?  

•Does the project provide for economy of housing? 

•Other suitable items believed by the hearing examiner to be worthy of consideration may also be included as bonus density criteria. 

In particular, bonus densities may be awarded for “innovative design.”

•Innovative residential developments achieve more efficient use of land, energy and resources and more livable development.

•The City may approve higher densities if:

oAre bonus densities reasonable?

oAre they warranted by excellence in design?

oDo they benefit the community?