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Master Plan


“Sore Thumbs” are wrong for the Spokane skyline

Kendall Yards proposes to build towers along the River bluff overlooking High Bridge Park, Peaceful Valley and Browne’s Addition.  The reason?  To provide its residents with spectacular views of the Spokane River Gorge, our city’s signature feature.  While the developer may profit mightily from condo towers, the rest of us must endure looking back at outsized structures that will overwhelm the river corridor.  This is simply not appropriate, particularly for the west end of the project.  (Image source:  Kendall Yards developer’s website.)

click here to watch the Kendall Yards movie

“West Central resident Patrick Malone worries that Chesrown intends to build up to 6,000 residences, not the 2,600 proposed. Chesrown admits that his vision for the site includes 8,000 residences. Though his proposal includes only 2,600, he said he believes the city will push for higher density in the next phase of building after officials see the first phase's success.”  (Spokesman-Review, 8.1.06)