Spokane Watershed Hero 2012
Deb Abrahamson
founder of the tribal grassroots environmental organization, SHAWL Society

DEB ABRAHAMSON is founder and director of SHAWL Society (standing for Sovereignty, Health, Air, Water, Land) a grass-roots organization of Spokane Tribal members. SHAWL Society is dedicated to preserving and restoring the cultural traditions and environmental values of the Spokane Reservation and the waters that flow through and surround the reservation. Deb’s advocacy to bring public and tribal considerations into the cleanup of Midnite Mine’s open pit uranium mine has been instrumental in identifying critical health issues for Spokane Reservation resi- dents and bringing public accountability to the mining corporation and public agencies. Deb’s commitment and passion are hallmarks of her work: “It’s not so much about us today – it’s about what comes in the future. That’s what we’ve been taught: Water is Life. It’s sacred. And we can’t give up the fight.” (Voices for Water Films, “Water is Life - It’s Sacred” (Feb. 2012)).
- Sonnet, with Honor as printable pdf
- Water is Life - It’s Sacred (film of Deb Abrahamson - 27 minutes)
- Slide Show - Winter Waters, Honoring Event on February 18, 2012