Spokane Watershed Hero 2012
Mary Verner
distinguished Spokane Mayor and City Councilwoman 2004-2011

MARY VERNER is honored for her service as Spokane’s Water Mayor (2007-2011) and City Council- woman (2004-2007). Her prior work and education gave her an excellent foundation to serve as spokes- woman for the Spokane River, including service as executive director of Upper Columbia United Tribes and natural resources director of the Spokane Tribe. She holds degrees in anthropology (Davidson College), environ- mental management (Yale), and law (Gonzaga). Mary’s work on behalf of the Spokane River and Aquifer has been substantial and includes devel- opment of the City’s Sustainability and Water Steward- ship programs, promotion of water quality improve- ment initiatives, and support for appropriate manage- ment of Spokane River dams.
In 2006 Mary summed up the significance of water:
When we're here by the river, we're reminded that we're just one speck, that we're a molecule in the whole big scheme of things--and so I'm able to lose my self-importance when I'm at the river and realize that the river is constantly flowing and so are our lives. It helps me to put everything into perspective. (Spokesman-Review, June 2006)
- Slide Show - Winter Waters, Honoring Event on February 18, 2012