What future?
Spokane River wrapping around the West Central Neighborhood
Spokane River canyon and neighborhoods
Gorgeous views
of the Spokane River canyon
West Central Neighborhood
Step 1  Cleaning up the pollution at Kendall Yards
Step 2 Sign asking your comments on Kendall Yard’s future
A wall of apartment towers? Future for the Spokane River?
Looking down on the Maple Street Bridge.  What future for traffic?
Maple Street Bridge:  how will increased traffic be handled?
Monroe Street Bridge:  how will increased traffic be handled?
We need to make our neighborhood safe for bicylists
Traffic must be addressed before the City approves the permits
Slow down:  roundabout ahead
Traffic calming roundabout, Wellesley Avenue
10 m.p.h  roundabout ahead, Browns Addition
Elk Restaurant, roundabout, Browns Addition
Bridge Street runs along Kendall Yards.
Piles of rubble.  What about blowing dust?
Blowing dust: seed grasses & other measures can be used
What about neighborhood access to the River?
How will the Spokane River canyon be protected?
A place of fragile beauty.
West Link Bridge now connects neighborhoods.
4,000 more people will live on the Canyon rim.  What impacts?
River trail, and erosion.
Foot paths on steep hillsides, erosion.
The City must take a leadership role to protect the Spokane River.
Glorious views of Summit Blvd attract walkers, bicyclists, runners
View from Summit Blvd. What future do we want?