Kendall Yards
On October 5, 2006, the City of Spokane represented by Mayor Hession, and John and Rachael Osborn signed an agreement regarding the Kendall Yards Development addressing issues raised by the community during the public comment period.
Agreement in Principle
October 5, 2006
In consideration for the mutual benefits derived by the parties to this agreement, the City of Spokane and John and Rachael Osborn (City) agree to the following:
Neighborhood Traffic
1)  City commits to preparation of base line study of local area traffic and to use best efforts to work with the neighborhood on traffic calming as funds are available (some funds currently exist).
2)  City commits to use very best efforts to correct conflicts between cars and non-vehicular traffic (e.g., bicycle, pedestrian) and safety issues.
3)  City recognizes that traffic calming is important.
4)  Centennial Trail -- City will use best efforts to assure CT is completed prior to completion of Phase I or any occupancy west of Maple.
[for more on concerns about Traffic Calming, click here]
Land Use
 5)  City to create web page and links on KY to serve as comprehensive source of public information concerning upcoming public processes, permits and decisions relating to the development. The web page will be operational prior to the end of 2006 and will be updated weekly. Planning Services will maintain the web page, and will coordinate with all other City departments with jurisdiction over aspects of KY project to ensure that web information is comprehensive, up-to-date, and reliable.
6)  Public involvement will be encouraged in the creation of design guidelines for the KY project. Design Review committee meeting will be posted in advance (goal of 2 weeks in advance) on web site. City commits to host two open houses in connection with design review process to establish design guidelines, the purpose being to inform, educate and receive public input on the proposed guidelines.
[for more on community concerns, click on Sore Thumbs, Beautifying the Neighborhood, and Sustainability]
Spokane River
 7)  City will require Kendall Yards to abide by all Habitat Management Plan (HMP) guidelines/rules. City will contract with a biologist (with graduate education and substantial experience) to assist city staff in reviewing Kendall Yards draft HMP. Within existing legal framework, City will coordinate with Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife review of Kendall Yards draft HMP and adopt all WDFW recommendations into the Kendall Yards HMP. City will announce availability of draft HMP on KY website and distribute copies to the public as requested.
8)  City will create a Habitat management plan for city-owned riverside property and natural areas adjacent to KY site. City HMP will include public process, including citizen advisory committee, scoping, public review of draft documents, opportunity for comment and public meetings. The City HMP will occur at the same time as or shortly after the KY HMP is created.
[for more on community concerns, click on Spokane River & Gorge and the 1913 Olmsted Brothers’ Report]
Affordable/Low Income Housing
 9)  Mayor will form a community task force to address low/moderate income housing and social services in the West Central neighborhood. Staffing to include representatives from City Human Services and Community Development Departments. The goal of the task force is to stabilize and promote development of low and moderate income housing in West Central, and recommend actions for the City and private/nonprofit sector to promote social and economic improvements in West Central. The task force will also assess definitional issues around "workforce housing" and other terms as needed. City commits to make best efforts to implement recommendations of the task force, including immediate and near-term actions as necessary to address speculative housing market.
10)  City commits to a concentrated effort in West Central to create affordable housing with a goal of creating a minimum of an additional 25 units by 2017, beyond what would have been created with base line programs now in place.
[for more on community concerns, click on Affordable Housing]
The parties further agree this document will be formalized at a later date.
DATED this 5th day of October.
Mayor Dennis Hession                    John and Rachael Osborn
Additional Links & Resources
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Summit-Bridge Alliance
Working for a better future for
the West Central Neighborhood  &  the Spokane River
Traffic calming is needed in the West Central Neighborhood.  Adding thousands of cars in Kendall Yards will accelerate risks of injuries and fatalities on neighborhood streets and along the River Gorge.  The City of Spokane commits to finding remedies. (image source:  John Osborn)
The Spokane River Gorge is a treasure -- adding a wall of concrete condominiums -- “sore thumbs” -- between West Central Neighborhood and the River, and towering over Peaceful Valley sparked opposition.  The City of Spokane commits to involving the community by providing an updated web page and encouraging involvement in the project’s design guidelines. (image source:  Kendall Yards developer’s website.)
The Spokane River and its Gorge are a unique urban fishery and important wildlife corridor.  Adding thousands of new residents and their pets will inevitably bring damage.  The City committed to work with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the public in writing and enforcing a science-based plan to protect the wildlife and fisheries resources of the Spokane River and its Gorge.  Image source:  Ken Holmes (fish) and Ingrid Carlson (moose).
Many people who live in the West Central Neighborhood struggle financially.  Kendall Yards is causing housing speculation, increasing rents and taxes, and will eventually force people out of their homes.  Currently nothing is being done to provide affordable housing.  The City is now committed to find remedies for these problems, including creating affordable housing.  (image source:  Christopher Anderson The Spokesman-Review in  Rising housing costs in West Central Neighborhood